Quickly add FreeBSD Packages to pfSense
Bottom Line: I wrote a bash function to add packages directly from FreeBSD to pfSense.
Disclaimer: Modifying your firewall is a security risk. Please don’t use the information on this page unless you know what you are doing and are willing to accept the consequences for yourself and anyone on your network.
I’ve been happily using pfSense for a year or so now. I am getting more
comfortable with Linux over time but know very little about FreeBSD, on which pfSense is based.
As I explore pfSnse, I occasionally want to add a package from the main FreeBSD
repos. Netgate provides instructions on how to add the FreeBSD repos at
essentially you change FreeBSD: { enabled: yes }
and /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/pfSense.conf
However, changing this messes with your whole pkg
database (ask how I know)
and they have a very visible warning that this is generally not a good
They also list another way to install a specific package:
$ pkg add http://pkg.freebsd.org/FreeBSD:11:amd64/latest/All/tshark-3.2.6.txz
This looks much better to me, but unfortunately it’s pretty difficult (or was
for me anyway) to figure out the exact path to a specific package.
Unfortunately, attempting to browse
https://pkg.freebsd.org/FreeBSD:12:amd64/latest/All gives me a 403
error, and a directory above that just includes some compressed
directories that aren’t really helpful in a web browser.
Thankfuly, the base pfSense install includes a few basic utilities like curl
and jq
that let me piece together the below function:
install_from_freebsd() {
curl -s "${base_url}/packagesite.txz" |
tar -xzf- --to-stdout packagesite.yaml |
jq -r --arg pkgname "${pkgname}" \
'select(.name == $pkgname) | .path'
pkg add "${base_url}/${path}"
Once you’ve entered bash
and defined / sourced the function, it works like
a charm:
$ bash
$ install_from_freebsd tshark
Once I verified it was working, I went ahead and put it in ~/.bashrc
so it
would be available automatically in bash