Installing CrashPlan on the Raspberry Pi (Raspbian Jessie)
Bottom Line: My strategy for getting CrashPlan working on the Raspberry Pi (currently on Raspbian Jessie).
I’ve been using a Raspberry Pi as a local backup destination for CrashPlan for a few years now. Recently, CrashPlan has started automatically upgrading itself every few weeks to months, which breaks my install. Every time, I end up Googling around and referencing this thread and a few others.
However, I find that I don’t need to take all the steps listed there, and much of the helpful material is in a long comment thread. Additionally, all of the setups I found included replacing
with some ARM compiled versions downloaded from somebody’s website without any kind of hash to verify the download integrity — this made me a little nervous, being that this software will likely “see” nearly all of my sensitive documents and materials.
A few months ago I went ahead and condensed my setup into a GitHub Gist, and with the 4.7.0 update (which again broke my CrashPlan on the Pi installation this month), I thought I’d go ahead and share. I never recommend just copying and pasting someone else’s script, especially when it’s this short and basic, so take a look and try to understand what each command is doing. EDIT: I’ve expanded the script a fair bit to make it a little more user friendly and complete. You can check out the revision history to see the much simpler version it started with.
This script assumes you’re choosing the default answers to all the prompts in the CrashPlan installer. However, it also assumes that you’re using a systemd service file to start CrashPlan (instead of the sysvinit style scripts it ships with). I find the systemd scripts much easier to understand and maintain, and I’ve included what I use below (as well as a prompt in the script to download mine if desired).
I’ve briefly re-tested the script on a blank Raspbian Jessie Lite installation and it seems to work well. I was able to connect to the UI via SSH as described in the official CrashPlan Docs
NB: This script does not cover mounting an external hard drive or configuring it as your CrashPlan backup destination.
My systemd service file:
Some folks have recommended increasing the number of inotify watches with the commands below; this is another thing that I didn’t do, and it seems to be running okay on my RPi 3.
echo 1048576 | sudo tee /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches
echo 'fs.inotify.max_user_watches=1048576' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf