simplenet package


simplenet.simplenet module

simplenet.simplenet :: Define SimpleNet class and common functions.

class simplenet.simplenet.SimpleNet(hidden_layer_sizes: t.Sequence[int], input_shape: t.Tuple[int | None, int], output_shape: t.Tuple[int | None, int], activation_function: t.Callable[..., npt.NDArray] = <function sigmoid>, output_activation: t.Callable[..., npt.NDArray] = <function sigmoid>, loss_function: t.Callable[..., float | npt.NDArray] = <function neg_log_likelihood>, learning_rate: float = 1.0, dtype: str = 'float32', seed: int | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

Simple example of a multilayer perceptron.

__init__(hidden_layer_sizes: t.Sequence[int], input_shape: t.Tuple[int | None, int], output_shape: t.Tuple[int | None, int], activation_function: t.Callable[..., npt.NDArray] = <function sigmoid>, output_activation: t.Callable[..., npt.NDArray] = <function sigmoid>, loss_function: t.Callable[..., float | npt.NDArray] = <function neg_log_likelihood>, learning_rate: float = 1.0, dtype: str = 'float32', seed: int | None = None) None[source]

Initialize the MPL.

  • hidden_layer_sizes – Number of neurons in each hidden layer

  • input_shape – Shape of inputs (m x n), use None for unknown m

  • output_shape – Shape of outputs (m x o), use None for unknown m

  • activation_function – Activation function for all layers prior to output

  • output_activation – Activation function for output layer

  • learning_rate – learning rate

  • dtype – Data type for floats (e.g. np.float32 vs np.float64)

  • seed – Optional random seed for consistent outputs (for debugging)

export_model(filename: str) None[source]

Export the learned biases and weights to a file.

Saves each weight and bias in order with an index and a prefix of W or b to ensure it can be restored in the proper order.


filename – Filename for the saved file.

import_model(filename: str) None[source]

Import learned biases and weights from a file.


filename – Name of file from which to import

learn(inputs: Union[Sequence[Sequence[Union[float, int, number]]], Sequence[Union[float, int, number]], ndarray[Any, dtype[ScalarType]]], targets: Union[Sequence[Sequence[Union[float, int, number]]], Sequence[Union[float, int, number]], ndarray[Any, dtype[ScalarType]]]) None[source]

Perform a forward and backward pass, updating weights.

  • inputs – Array of input values

  • targets – Array of true outputs

predict(inputs: Union[Sequence[Sequence[Union[float, int, number]]], Sequence[Union[float, int, number]], ndarray[Any, dtype[ScalarType]]]) ndarray[Any, dtype[ScalarType]][source]

Use existing weights to predict outputs for given inputs.

Note: this method does not update weights.


inputs – Array of inputs for which to make predictions


Array of predictions

validate(inputs: Union[Sequence[Sequence[Union[float, int, number]]], Sequence[Union[float, int, number]], ndarray[Any, dtype[ScalarType]]], targets: Union[Sequence[Sequence[Union[float, int, number]]], Sequence[Union[float, int, number]], ndarray[Any, dtype[ScalarType]]], epsilon: float = 1e-07) bool[source]

Use gradient checking to validate backpropagation.

This method uses a naive implementation of gradient checking to try to verify the analytic gradients.

  • inputs – Array of input values

  • targets – Array of true outputs

  • epsilon – Small value by which to perturb values for gradient checking


Boolean reflecting whether or not the gradients seem to match

simplenet.simplenet.cross_entropy(y_hat: npt.NDArray, targets: npt.NDArray, der: bool = False) float | npt.NDArray[source]

Calculate the categorical cross entropy loss.

  • y_hat – Array of predicted values from 0 to 1

  • targets – Array of true values


Mean loss for the sample

simplenet.simplenet.neg_log_likelihood(y_hat: npt.NDArray, targets: npt.NDArray, der: bool = False) float | npt.NDArray[source]

Calculate the negative log likelihood loss.

I believe this is also called the binary cross-entropy loss function.

  • y_hat – Array of predicted values from 0 to 1

  • targets – Array of true values


Mean loss for the sample

simplenet.simplenet.relu(arr: ndarray[Any, dtype[ScalarType]], der: bool = False) ndarray[Any, dtype[ScalarType]][source]

Calculate the relu activation function.

  • arr – Input array

  • der – Whether to calculate the derivative


Array of outputs from 0 to maximum of the array in a given axis

simplenet.simplenet.sigmoid(arr: ndarray[Any, dtype[ScalarType]], der: bool = False) ndarray[Any, dtype[ScalarType]][source]

Calculate the sigmoid activation function.

\[\frac{1}{1 + e ^ {-x}}\]


\[x * (1 - x)\]

arr – Input array of weighted sums


Array of outputs from 0 to 1

simplenet.simplenet.softmax(arr: ndarray[Any, dtype[ScalarType]]) ndarray[Any, dtype[ScalarType]][source]

Calculate the softmax activation function.

This equation uses a “stable softmax” that subtracts the maximum from the exponents, but which should not change the results.

\[\frac{e^x}{\sum_{} {e^x}}\]

arr – Input array of weighted sums


Array of outputs from 0 to 1

Module contents

simplenet :: Simple multilayer perceptron in Python using numpy.

class simplenet.SimpleNet(hidden_layer_sizes: t.Sequence[int], input_shape: t.Tuple[int | None, int], output_shape: t.Tuple[int | None, int], activation_function: t.Callable[..., npt.NDArray] = <function sigmoid>, output_activation: t.Callable[..., npt.NDArray] = <function sigmoid>, loss_function: t.Callable[..., float | npt.NDArray] = <function neg_log_likelihood>, learning_rate: float = 1.0, dtype: str = 'float32', seed: int | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

Simple example of a multilayer perceptron.

__init__(hidden_layer_sizes: t.Sequence[int], input_shape: t.Tuple[int | None, int], output_shape: t.Tuple[int | None, int], activation_function: t.Callable[..., npt.NDArray] = <function sigmoid>, output_activation: t.Callable[..., npt.NDArray] = <function sigmoid>, loss_function: t.Callable[..., float | npt.NDArray] = <function neg_log_likelihood>, learning_rate: float = 1.0, dtype: str = 'float32', seed: int | None = None) None[source]

Initialize the MPL.

  • hidden_layer_sizes – Number of neurons in each hidden layer

  • input_shape – Shape of inputs (m x n), use None for unknown m

  • output_shape – Shape of outputs (m x o), use None for unknown m

  • activation_function – Activation function for all layers prior to output

  • output_activation – Activation function for output layer

  • learning_rate – learning rate

  • dtype – Data type for floats (e.g. np.float32 vs np.float64)

  • seed – Optional random seed for consistent outputs (for debugging)

export_model(filename: str) None[source]

Export the learned biases and weights to a file.

Saves each weight and bias in order with an index and a prefix of W or b to ensure it can be restored in the proper order.


filename – Filename for the saved file.

import_model(filename: str) None[source]

Import learned biases and weights from a file.


filename – Name of file from which to import

learn(inputs: Union[Sequence[Sequence[Union[float, int, number]]], Sequence[Union[float, int, number]], ndarray[Any, dtype[ScalarType]]], targets: Union[Sequence[Sequence[Union[float, int, number]]], Sequence[Union[float, int, number]], ndarray[Any, dtype[ScalarType]]]) None[source]

Perform a forward and backward pass, updating weights.

  • inputs – Array of input values

  • targets – Array of true outputs

predict(inputs: Union[Sequence[Sequence[Union[float, int, number]]], Sequence[Union[float, int, number]], ndarray[Any, dtype[ScalarType]]]) ndarray[Any, dtype[ScalarType]][source]

Use existing weights to predict outputs for given inputs.

Note: this method does not update weights.


inputs – Array of inputs for which to make predictions


Array of predictions

validate(inputs: Union[Sequence[Sequence[Union[float, int, number]]], Sequence[Union[float, int, number]], ndarray[Any, dtype[ScalarType]]], targets: Union[Sequence[Sequence[Union[float, int, number]]], Sequence[Union[float, int, number]], ndarray[Any, dtype[ScalarType]]], epsilon: float = 1e-07) bool[source]

Use gradient checking to validate backpropagation.

This method uses a naive implementation of gradient checking to try to verify the analytic gradients.

  • inputs – Array of input values

  • targets – Array of true outputs

  • epsilon – Small value by which to perturb values for gradient checking


Boolean reflecting whether or not the gradients seem to match

simplenet.cross_entropy(y_hat: npt.NDArray, targets: npt.NDArray, der: bool = False) float | npt.NDArray[source]

Calculate the categorical cross entropy loss.

  • y_hat – Array of predicted values from 0 to 1

  • targets – Array of true values


Mean loss for the sample

simplenet.neg_log_likelihood(y_hat: npt.NDArray, targets: npt.NDArray, der: bool = False) float | npt.NDArray[source]

Calculate the negative log likelihood loss.

I believe this is also called the binary cross-entropy loss function.

  • y_hat – Array of predicted values from 0 to 1

  • targets – Array of true values


Mean loss for the sample

simplenet.relu(arr: ndarray[Any, dtype[ScalarType]], der: bool = False) ndarray[Any, dtype[ScalarType]][source]

Calculate the relu activation function.

  • arr – Input array

  • der – Whether to calculate the derivative


Array of outputs from 0 to maximum of the array in a given axis

simplenet.sigmoid(arr: ndarray[Any, dtype[ScalarType]], der: bool = False) ndarray[Any, dtype[ScalarType]][source]

Calculate the sigmoid activation function.

\[\frac{1}{1 + e ^ {-x}}\]


\[x * (1 - x)\]

arr – Input array of weighted sums


Array of outputs from 0 to 1

simplenet.softmax(arr: ndarray[Any, dtype[ScalarType]]) ndarray[Any, dtype[ScalarType]][source]

Calculate the softmax activation function.

This equation uses a “stable softmax” that subtracts the maximum from the exponents, but which should not change the results.

\[\frac{e^x}{\sum_{} {e^x}}\]

arr – Input array of weighted sums


Array of outputs from 0 to 1